Introducing SHIFT’s ESG Lead: Corinne McLean

Corinne worked as a finance lawyer in the UK before completing an INSEAD MBA followed by a number of years commercial experience in investment banking, with emphasis on acquisition finance debt origination.

Over the past few years in New Zealand, Corinne has worked as a lawyer again through SHIFT Advisory, including recent roles with Kiwi Wealth and Westpac, with a focus on new regulatory regimes. She has held a strong interest in the environment and sustainable investing for a long time, and has taken time for study in climate and sustainability-related areas.  Her recent studies include a CISL Transition to Net Zero course, TCFD online learning and following New Zealand’s own Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standard development. Corinne is following developments on climate disclosures, with particular attention on the guidance and sector work for MIS Managers to come. As part of continuing study, she is enrolled in GARP, Sustainability and Climate Risk Certificate.

Corinne also attends the FSC Climate and ESG Committee and has now joined the SHIFT team to support the increasing enquiries from clients in ESG-related areas. We continue to see different clients with a diverse range of pain points. This month we are featuring Gretchen Cotter, GC at UDC, who has an ESG portfolio for the business.  We will continue to follow issues relevant to our clients and hope to feature another GC at a large corporate who has responsibility for ESG in our next newsletter.

Please contact us if you would like to know how SHIFT might be able to assist you in this area.

Corinne McLean - ESG Consultant